Tuesday, July 7, 2009


  1. "Community service isn’t about padding one’s resume, it isn’t about doing things so that one might be proud and arrogant about it. But it is the dawning realization of to the greater understanding our humanity, our fragility and a greater appreciation of the great lives that so many of us lead and deem to be “normal” – when it pretty much is extraordinary in its own respect relative to many other individuals around the world. "
    --Alwyn Loh ‘09
    "Community service puts me out of myself and lets me see a different part of myself, which is important to me."
    --Anna Spelman ‘10
    "Community service is helping people, but also gaining an understanding about each other and a sense of human compassion."
    --Cara Clure ‘10
    "Community service never feels like a responsibility to me, or an obligation. I love it. Never do I feel better about how I have spent my time than at the end of a day of service. "
    --Danielle Hayes ‘10
    "I have been so blessed in my life. I am so lucky, especially to be at WashU. It’s such an amazing place and, particularly while I’m here, I feel like I need to help other people. "
    --Deva Estin ‘10
    "Community service is important to me because I believe that people have a responsibility to provide support for one another."
    --Gilian Rappaport ‘10
    "Community service is important to me for so many reasons! First and foremost, I take pride in knowing that I am helping to positively affect someone’s life. "
    --Julie Hess ‘09
    "Community service is important to me because it helps people in my community and because it has pushed me to step outside of my comfort zone and take initiative. "
    --Laura Banks ‘09

  2. "I believe that a society cannot be truly successful with a mentality that every individual should only worry about themselves and in the end things will work out for the best. Community service is about building a stronger community whether on campus, in your neighborhood, city, state, or any other type of community. "
    --Regis Murayi ‘10
    ""I believe that a society cannot be truly successful with a mentality that every individual should only worry about themselves and in the end things will work out for the best. Community service is about building a stronger community whether on campus, in your neighborhood, city, state, or any other type of community.""
    --Regis Murayi ‘10
    "Part of being a person is about helping others. "
    --Seth Caplan ‘10
    "Accumulating concepts and ideas will make you an intelligent person, but to be a great person you must utilize that intelligence to have a beneficial impact on our society."
    -Achal Upadhyaya ‘12
    "Community service should not be done just to announce the completion. It should be done without looking for a reward or praise. It should not be looked at as doing something for someone, but assisting them in making life better and fulfilling."
    -Alyssa Bobst, '06
    "The connection and relationship with the community that develops from community service adds an invaluable layer to education. "
    -Amanda Troillett, OT Lab
    "It benefits you just as much as the people you serve. There is no better feeling than knowing you've made a positive impact on another person's life. It is my responsibility, due to all of the privileges I have been given, to help those that have less."
    -Ameet Thaker, 06
    "Through reflecting on my service experiences, I gained intense awareness of myself, the privilege I experience, and the profound injustice lurking in our world."
    -Amy Finnegan, '00

  3. "When you learn about different people, you can respect each other more and you can not be fearful. You think they are just so different and their lives are so different from ours. And that’s not true."
    -Amy Finnegan, '00
    "Community service is a crucial part of the college experience, as it’s important knowledge that can't be learned from inside the classroom. "
    -Ashley Williams and Tiffany Chung, 09
    "Asking why I incorporate community service into my teaching is a little like asking why I incorporate breathing into living."
    -Bob Hansman, Associate Professor, WU
    "Community Service is one way of putting your mark on the world and experiencing diversity to enhance your mind and spirit."
    -Caitlin Lutsch ‘12
    "I do community service simply because I want to help others when they are struggling."
    -Caroline Landry, 06
    "In classes, in the media, and in our own life experiences students learn about and witness situations in our local and global communities that simply seem wrong. Giving whatever time and skills we can offer to make these wrongs right is our responsibility as witnesses to these situations. No matter how small the contribution, it provides a source of fulfillment and empowerment to us as individuals. "
    -Christina Durchholz, 08
    "When you're a pre-med, there's a lot of work, so you have to take a break. And I've made Community Service my break. That way I get away from the school and the WU bubble. And it's just refreshing and it reenergizes me."
    -Cindy Zhang, '06
    "Get involved! Just give community service a chance. You might stumble onto something you're really passionate about. And that's worth everything. Just give it a chance."
    -Cindy Zhang, '06
    "I have discovered my greatest strengths in serving others. I truly believe in investing yourself in the community that you live in through community service. "
    -Cristina Garmendia, 08
    "Community Service has taught me to be myself. When you are helping people or making a difference, there is no time to be self-conscious. Community service has also taught me that anything is possible."
    -David Shepard, 08
    "Community service should be thought of as a two-way street. A better term might be “community opportunity,” because this term accurately reflects the notion that community service provides opportunities for all participants, whether the beneficiary of the service, the provider of the service, or some third party, and thus it provides opportunities for the community as a whole."
    -David Shepard, 08
    "Community service is an essential way for students to get involved in something larger than Wash U. It is the grassroots manner in which we can truly "make a difference" in the life of another person. "
    -David Weisshaar, 10
    "Part of being a good citizen of a community is spending time in that community and aiding other members—lifting them up just as someone once did for you."
    -Desiree Thomas ‘12
    "A fulfilling and meaningful life is created through service to others. I believe that doing community service grounds my values and morals and helps me to make the most of my life."
    -Elizabeth Kramer, 08
    "Community service means giving back to the culture and people that surround you. It means supporting the immediate community on a local scale."
    -Elizabeth Kramer, 08
    "I've learned the importance of a single individual and that every bit counts towards the greater good. I've also learned the importance of organization and of keeping people involved in the organization."
    -Elizabeth Kramer, 08

  4. "I think that community service is something that if you try it once, you’ll just be hooked. You learn a lot from the people that you serve and the people that you serve with. You learn how to accept help."
    -Emily Dawson, '02
    "It has given us a sense of the world outside of the college campus. Community service keeps one grounded when navigating the decisions that will affect one’s future. I enjoy stepping outside Wash U and collaborating with the community. I enjoy feeling the sense of accomplishment that I am affecting others positively. "
    -Emily Silber, 09
    "Community Service is important because it can put you in situations that you might not have been in before and enriches your life in this way. You may have questions going into a project and come out with more than you expected. Doing community service helps build bonds between those whom you are working with. "
    -Emily Silber, 09
    "What began during my WU community service pre-orientation program as an interest in giving back to my community has blossomed into a life-long commitment to fighting for equal opportunity."
    -Eric Scroggins, '01
    "Community service is important to really get the most of your experiences in school. You really learn a lot about strength, compassion and vulnerability."
    -Eric Scroggins, '01
    "Community service has helped me to realize the contradictions that we live in. We say that everyone has the same opportunities and they really don’t. [Through service] I see the effects of that."
    -Eric Scroggins, '01

  5. "Community service is important because everyone should have the opportunity to make a difference in their environment in their own way."
    -Erica Jones, 08
    "When it comes to community service, sometimes it can be rewarding simply to help raise money for an organization. However, it can be far more fulfilling to establish direct relationships with members of the community that one wishes to become involved with. Direct experiences throughout my college career affected me profoundly as I learned from individuals in Saint Louis coming from all walks of life. With direct contact with the community, one oftentimes feels that one receives far more than what one gives. Once you do get directly involved with a community, be consistent. Don't give up after a semester. Keep it up for at least a year or two. You won’t regret it."
    -Eugenia Legarda, '05
    "I view community service primarily as an act of responsibility, and not merely an act of generosity."
    -Eve Samborn ‘11
    "I've learned that service is more than helping others. It's about being able to immerse yourself in the culture of the service and the people. That way you get a better grasp of the community and how you're a part of it, and in doing so, take pride in what you do. That's one of the biggest lessons I've learned so far."
    -Felix Lui, '07
    "School comes first, but there are those times when I feel a need to stop the rote memorization of obsolete textbooks. I feel that to be actually living in St. Louis I have to be reaching out to people; we must learn to excel vertically in our studies and horizontally through our experiences to the degree that our potential allows."
    -Felix Lui, '07
    "I have found challenging my own perspectives and my comfort zone to be extremely rewarding and essential to personal growth, but more importantly, I have gained an appreciation for my own power to good and make change in the community around me."
    -Frank Bergh, '08
    "From service in St. Louis, I realized I needed to spend my life doing good."
    -Glenn Davis, '02
    "Community service is wherever there is a need, and whatever you think that you can do."
    -Glenn Davis, '03

  6. "Students come to Wash U not just to enjoy four years within the confines of campus; we come to be part of the greater St. Louis community. Service allows us to learn first-hand about people, culture, and the society around us. It allows us to apply all of the knowledge and skills that we learn in the classroom to real life; service helps us connect to our surroundings. For me, community service has been the most valuable part of my Wash U education. Community service has taught me about leadership, culture, and myself, and my experiences with service here have shaped my future. "
    -Greg Perlstein, 08
    "I think that community service is a crucial part of a well-rounded education. Participating in community service in college prepares students to be productive members of society. It allows students the opportunity to understand the importance of service to others as a fundamental aspect of being a member of any community. "
    -Hannah Rosenfeld, 10
    "We may not be able to perfect the word in our lifetimes, but every effort we put forth counts."
    -Heather Brown ‘11
    "Although community service has helped me to appreciate what I have, it has also taught me how happy people can be without things that I think of as necessities."
    -Hillary Bridges, 09
    "I like service-learning because it insists that students grapple with both the continuities and the discrepancies between theory and practice as they move back and forth between the world of the classroom and the world of service."
    -Jami Ake, Lecturer, WU
    "Community service is an important part of who I am. It’s that little part of me that academics, friends, and even family can’t fill. It is the satisfaction of knowing that I am not just taking from the community, but rather growing with it."
    -Jay Beerman '07
    "I am more patient because of community service. I appreciate what I have more because of community service. I also appreciate hard work."
    -Jeanné Lewis, '02
    "Community Service serves as a reality check and an inspiration to continue bettering society"
    -Jenna Kaufman ‘11
    "Service is important to me because I feel that I must do my best to make this world beautiful, be it through small or large actions. "
    -Jessica Lauren Friedman, '07
    "It keeps them in touch with what's important in the real world. It makes you appreciate the opportunities that you have. They say to whom much is given, much is required, and as college students, we have already been given a lot--and it is our responsibility to give back to the community, especially to those who have not been given the same opportunities we have. "
    -Jessica McLean,08
    "It is so easy to go to college and get stuck in the college bubble…Getting involved in St. Louis and in the St. Louis community helps to keep perspective."
    -Jessie Long, '03
    "Service is an educational experience, it is a social experience – it’s fun."
    -Jessie Long, '03
    "College is a time for students to open their minds to new ideas and interests; helping others through community service acts as a real world yardstick against which new knowledge can be measured. "
    -Joanna Freudenheim, 08
    "Your environment limits your perspective. Community service expands it."
    -Jorge Castillo, '06
    "I was luckily born into an advantageous situation. Therefore, giving back to the community is a way to help others to experience some of the opportunities I have experienced."
    -Julie Meyer, 09

  7. "You learn a lot in your classes, but you can’t learn about human relationships and about life from a book."
    -Julie Venci, '00
    "I think that service means compassion and love and reaching out to people that don’t have as much as yourself."
    -Julie Venci, '00
    "I have learned the importance of human relationships and the importance of listening. Sometimes that’s all people want, is for someone to listen."
    -Julie Venci, 00
    "There’s so much going on in the world and to be consumed only with what you’re doing on a daily basis, I think would not only be boring, but unfulfilling."
    -Juliet DiLeo, '04
    "The things I do and the people I meet through doing community service always challenge me to do more for my community."
    -Kate Lamberta ‘11
    "Service is a way you live every day. Some people think that it is something that you do for four hours on Saturday and then you go home. But service is so much more than that."
    -Kate Rowe, '02
    "You have to be real about what’s going on in the world today. If you really are honest about what is going on in the world, I don't see how you can not want to do something."
    -Kate Rowe, '02
    "I've just been drawn to community service, helping others just feeds my soul. Knowing that I'm helping someone else enriches my life, and I hope it enriches their life too."
    -Katie Lombardi, '07
    "Community service is an important aspect to remaining grounded and involved in the local community around us. This is especially important for college students who can often get caught up in the "bubble" of a college campus or our needs and commitments as individuals in terms of academics and other extracurricular activities. It is a strong reminder that we are all part of a larger community that we should regularly engage in and contribute to. Most importantly it is a reality check for those of us privileged enough to have such a college education that there are so many others in these communities who do not have the same resources or opportunities. "
    -Kelley Turek, 10
    "Service, for me, is a way of showing gratitude for all those things that I do have, and at the same time trying to give others a better life."
    -Kevin Sullivan, '08
    "Community service is important to me because I feel that helping others is almost necessary to your own well-being. To take the opportunity to do something selfless for someone else is priceless. "
    -Kristina Harris, '09
    "Community service is important to me because I feel that helping others is almost necessary to your own well-being. To take the opportunity to do something selfless for someone else is priceless."
    -Kristina Harris, 09
    "Community service expands the studies of intelligent college students so that they may use the powers with which they have been blessed to empower others."
    -Lauren Krebs, 08
    "We are members of this University and this community. We have a responsibility to give back to the area that provides us with a home for the years that we are here. Community service allows us to connect to the neighborhood, make a difference, and have fun! "
    -Lauren Kupersmith, Law
    "Community service is about giving back – giving back to a community that has welcomed you."
    -Linda Kim, '01
    "There's so much to learn about a city, but there's also so much to learn about yourself. I really do think that you get as much out of a community service experience as the person that you are serving does."
    -Lorin Kline, '07

  8. "A large part of 'community service' is giving part of yourself to other people and putting their larger needs in front of your smaller ones."
    -Luz Silverio, 07
    "Community service has made me a better person. I am more willing to see other sides of a story, more aware of the great diversity in the world, and more willing to do more for people outside of my immediate community of friends and family."
    -Luz Silverio, 07
    "I do community service because I feel that the only reason that I'm not the recipient of community service is because I was lucky. Many kinds of suffering that occur in this world are completely reasonless and due to some random spectrum of inequality. I do what I can to both decrease that spectrum of inequality and make people aware of the extremes on either end."
    -Luz Silverio, 07
    "Through community service I've met like-minded people who feel passionate about the same causes I do. "
    -Luz Silverio, 07
    "Every community service moment is memorable. "
    -Luz Silverio, 07
    "Community service has been an outlet for me to make difference in peoples’ lives and to do justice to the privileges with which that I have been born."
    -Madeleine Pannell ‘11
    "Community service is not something I do, it is a part of who I am. "
    -Mallorie Hulse, 06
    "Community service is recognizing the disparities in America and doing your best to help resolve them."
    -Mallorie Hulse, 06
    "There are at least two benefits to doing community service. Clearly we can support each other with our efforts and initiatives; we can raise money for cancer research and we can make sure that hungry people are fed. Even still, the worst thing in the world is to feel alone. At least half of the support we do with community service is simply letting other people know that we're here and we care."
    -Matt Zinter, '07
    "Community service brings out the best in us, inspires hope in each other, and empowers us to believe in a better future."
    -Matt Zinter, 07
    "My service begins and ends in my home community; it starts with the people around me and reaches out to people across the world, but by the end of the day, it ends once again with my friends and neighbors. My service is about actions both big and small, from massive fundraisers to one-on-one conversations. It is anything I can do to support others, whether large and planned or by chance during my day."
    -Matt Zinter, 07
    "With all the work that we all have in school and the many distractions that Wash. U. may give us, it is important to head out into the greater St. Louis community to try to understand how life is for many other people"
    -Merrill Rudd ‘11
    "I find that I enjoy living life most when I feel that I am living not just for myself but for other people as well."
    -Nick Garzon ‘12
    "Community service is very important to me because I feel that I have been placed in a very fortunate position in life; therefore, I must give back to the community in any way that I can."
    -Oli Ononye ‘12
    "I feel like I am very blessed. I have not had to want for anything, material or in my family, and I feel obligated. I really believe that I am no better than someone who has a less stable living situation through no fault of their own."
    -Phyllis Jackson, Event Services
    "It is about changing attitudes about doing community service. You are not just doing something for somebody else. It is not a charity case. It is a service. And if you open yourself up to the experience, it’s helping you just as much as it is helping them."
    -Phyllis Jackson, Event Services

  9. "As I’ve wandered around neighborhoods, I’ve discovered a lot of disparities in St. Louis, culturally, economically, racially, etc. It makes me want to stay here longer. It helps me realize that St. Louis is the community I live in, not just WU."
    -Pooja Agarwal, '05
    "Community service is absolutely essential to one's college experience. College is not just about the experiences that shape you, but also the way you are able to shape others while you are here. To passively go through college is to waste an incredible opportunity. Until you are able to truly give of yourself and impact the lives of others along the way, you have not fully experienced college. Community service has given me the unique and invaluable opportunity to engage in my community, burst the Wash.U. bubble, and truly make a difference. "
    -Prerna Raj, 08
    "Education is meant to serve more than just yourself. An institution of higher learning is meant to provide students with the skills and the knowledge to go out into the world to help others. Education is about opening your eyes to how you can help others and giving you the tools to do it."
    -Pushkar Sharma, '06
    "Getting out into the community changes your perspective in a positive way, but you may not realize that until afterward."
    -Rob Collins, '05
    "When asking people if they were interested in doing After School Art, and doing art with St. Louis City kids at an after school program, I found that many people were excited at just the prospect of it. And I was just asking, I didn't do anything. But I have realized that often, folks want to do community service very much, they just need an invitation to do it, sometimes. Hopefully, people will stop needing invitations."
    -Rob Collins, '05
    "Community service humbles you a little bit. It helps you understand your place in the grand scheme of things. A lot of people don’t have the things that Washington University students have."
    -Rob Wild, Associate Director, Residential Life
    "I believe that in order to thoroughly understand your community, you have to be involved in it."
    -Sara Lense , '08
    "“I am a firm believer in the old cliché ‘it takes a village to raise a child,’ and since I owe so much to the village that raised me, the least I can do is pass it on and offer my services to my ‘village.’"
    -Sarah Tibesar, '07
    "Community Service provides students with the opportunity to give back to the community and experience the rich diversity that exists in the world around us. "
    -Sherrill Wayland, Social Work Office
    "Service can foster a sense of community for both volunteers and those we serve. It provides an opportunity for students to do their part in helping to solve problems in their communities. "
    -Stephanie Koh and Jodi Smith, 09
    "Ultimately, community service can be very instructive for you and for others. It forces you to look at yourself in the mirror."
    -Steve Ehrlich, Associate Dean, University College
    "There is a certain kind of simplicity in life that you get from giving yourself to others."
    -Steve Ehrlich, University College Dean
    "You should try everything at least once because it might change your life, in the most unexpected ways."
    -Suan Wei Yeo, '00
    "My view of community service has really changed. I see it now as a symbol of building community. Whether it is as simple as picking up trash off of the street, or treating people well. Looking a homeless person in the eye."
    -Suan Yeo, '00
    "The more that I do [community service], the more that I believe that it is very self motivating. It is both a humbling and a growing experience. It keeps me sane."
    -Suan Yeo, '00

  10. "I think it is important to recognize that people are just people, and that we need to share our knowledge and ideas with each other. Community service is just as much about changing yourself at the same time you’re affecting someone else's life."
    -Tara Fridhandler, 07
    "There are dozens of programs to choose from, tons of publicity for them and hundreds of ways to get involved with them. I never realized how much students did on this campus. I feel like I am hearing about new organizations all the time."
    -Tara Fridhandler, 07
    "Community service has definitely helped me look beyond my small community at school and recognize that there is a lot more to discover and learn. I think it has also given me a sense that my actions have a direct impact on others because doing community service is so tangible and real."
    -Tara Fridhandler, 07
    "Community service is a great way to get involved and meet people. There are so many programs just within WU that it's really easy to find a program that directly relates to your interests. It’s a great way to see the city, meet new people, and be active."
    -Tara Fridhandler, 07
    "We can worry so much about getting the best grades, building the best resumes, but if we don’t make community service a priority, we’re not interesting people, and we’re not interested people."
    -Teresa Sullivan, '05
    "Each time you can do some kind of service for someone, you have the opportunity to learn new ideas, discover new perspectives, and ultimately grow as an individual."
    -Tobi Lee, 12
    "Community service means a lot to me: it means getting down and dirty; it means asking for input from the community you seek to serve; it means social, economic, and environmental justice; and it definitely means finishing whatever you have started."
    -Vinay N. Kampalath, 07
    "Through community service, I've learned to be humble. This is still a work in progress, but I am now realizing what I have, and more importantly, what I have been given."
    -Vinay N. Kampalath, 07
    "It's important for students to realize that outside of Wash U's borders, outside of exams and reports, there are real problems that need our leaders and our help. "
    -William Fischer, 10

  11. "“Why do college students do community service?” asked a confused freshman who found her way into the Community Service Program office."
    - Hillary Saxon, Class of 2004
    "Sometimes the time that we devote willingly and activities that we join of our own accord reflect our true passions. Service is one window to help us see if these passions might translate into a career."
    - Aimee Wittman, The Career Center
    "Service is an everyday process of evolution, an unending search for a better way, a better world."
    - Tabitha Knerr, Class of 2003
    "... my concept of community service has evolved into a lifestyle choice, a commitment to support the community with everyday choices most people take for granted."
    - Libby Rolwing, Class of 2004
    "Asking why I incorporate community service into my teaching is a little like asking why I incorporate breathing into living..."
    - Bob Hansman, Associate Professor
    "One of the most significant parts of my college career was my work on Saturday nights as a volunteer in the Cambridge City Hospital emergency room. I remember many of those nights more clearly than I remember a lot of my course work."
    - Jim Davis, Professor, Political Science
    "It is about actually becoming part of the community you are helping. By becoming involved in community service, and by helping a community, you are not only helping that community, but you are also helping yourself more than you will ever know."
    - David Shepard, Class of 2008
    "The lines separating the servers and the recipients have long been blurred in my mind, as I often walk away from community service projects feeling like a greater beneficiary than those who have been technically deemed recipients."
    - Jessica Stein, Class of 2005

    My passionate sense of social justice and social responsibility has always contrasted oddly with my pronounced lack of need for direct contact with other human beings and human communities.

    Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.

    Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value.

    I don't know what your destiny will be, but one thing I do know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve.

    A man is truly ethical only when he obeys the compulsion to help all life which he is able to assist, and shrinks from injuring anything that lives.

    Reverence for Life affords me my fundamental principle of morality, namely, that good consists in maintaining, assisting, and enhancing life and that to destroy, harm, or to hinder life is evil. Affirmation of the world -- that is affirmation of the will to live, which appears in phenomenal forms all around me -- is only possible for me in that I give myself out for other life.

    If I have been of service, if I have glimpsed more of the nature and essence of ultimate good, if I am inspired to reach wider horizons of thought and action, if I am at peace with myself, it has been a successful day.

    One act of beneficence, one act of real usefulness, is worth all the abstract sentiment in the world.

    How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.

    Do not be like servants who serve their masters expecting to receive a reward; be rather like servants who serve their master unconditionally, with no thought of reward.

    Giving frees us from the familiar territory of our own needs by opening our mind to the unexplained worlds occupied by the needs of others.

    C. S. LEWIS:
    Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

    Human life consists in mutual service. No grief, pain, misfortune, or "broken heart," is excuse for cutting off one's life while any power of service remains. But when all usefulness is over, when one is assured of an unavoidable and imminent death, it is the simplest of human rights to choose a quick and easy death in place of a slow and horrible one.
    (Suicide Note, August 17, 1935)

    The first duty of a human being is to assume the right functional relationship to society -- more briefly, to find your real job, and do it.

    He who wishes to secure the good of others, has already secured his own.

    Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.

    When will our consciences grow so tender that we will act to prevent human misery rather than avenge it?

    If I can stop one heart from breaking,
    I shall not live in vain.
    If I can ease one life the aching,
    Or cool one pain,
    Or help one fainting robin
    Unto his nest again,
    I shall not live in vain.

    Now my friends, I am opposed to the system of society in which we live today, not because I lack the natural equipment to do for myself but because I am not satisfied to make myself comfortable knowing that there are thousands of my fellow men who suffer for the barest necessities of life. We were taught under the old ethic that man's business on this earth was to look out for himself. That was the ethic of the jungle; the ethic of the wild beast. Take care of yourself, no matter what may become of your fellow man. Thousands of years ago the question was asked; ''Am I my brother's keeper?'' That question has never yet been answered in a way that is satisfactory to civilized society.
    Yes, I am my brother's keeper. I am under a moral obligation to him that is inspired, not by any maudlin sentimentality but by the higher duty I owe myself. What would you think me if I were capable of seating myself at a table and gorging myself with food and saw about me the children of my fellow beings starving to death.
    1908 speech

    Ethical religion can be real only to those who are engaged in ceaseless efforts at moral improvement. By moving upward we acquire faith in an upward movement, without limit.

    To care for anyone else enough to make their problems one's own, is ever the beginning of one's real ethical development.

    Perhaps the greatest social service that can be rendered by anybody to this country and to mankind is to bring up a family.

    It is good to be helpful and kindly, but don't give yourself to be melted into candle grease for the benefit of the tallow trade.

    The world is a fine thing to save, but a wretch to worship.

    Happiness cannot come from without. It must come from within. It is not what we see and touch or that which others do for us which makes us happy; it is that which we think and feel and do, first for the other fellow and then for ourselves.

    We cannot live for ourselves alone. Our lives are connected by a thousand invisible threads, and along these sympathetic fibers, our actions run as causes and return to us as results.

    Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity.
    To the graduating class, 1859, Antioch University

    Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others, cannot keep it from themselves.

    Government is a contrivance of human wisdom to provide for human wants. People have the right to expect that these wants will be provided for by this wisdom.

    Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.

  15. LAO-TSE:
    Kindness in words creates confidence.
    Kindness in thinking creates profundity.
    Kindness in giving creates love.

    Anticipate charity by preventing poverty; assist the reduced fellow man, either by a considerable gift or a sum of money or by teaching him a trade or by putting him in the way of business so that he may earn an honest livelihood and not be forced to the dreadful alternative of holding out his hand for charity. This is the highest step and summit of charity's golden ladder.

    My creed is that public service must be more than doing a job efficiently and honestly. It must be a complete dedication to the people and to the nation with full recognition that every human being is entitled to courtesy and consideration, that constructive criticism is not only to be expected but sought, that smears are not only to be expected but fought, that honor is to be earned, not bought.

    If you have knowledge, let others light their candles in it.

    Service is what life is all about.

    You just need to be a flea against injustice. Enough committed fleas biting strategically can make even the biggest dog uncomfortable and transform even the biggest nation.

    I'm doing what I think I was put on this earth to do. And I'm really grateful to have something that I'm passionate about and that I think is profoundly important.

    We must not, in trying to think about how we can make a big difference, ignore the small daily differences we can make which, over time, add up to big differences that we often cannot foresee.

    You're not obligated to win. You're obligated to keep trying to do the best you can every day.

    Service is the rent we pay to be living. It is the very purpose of life and not something you do in your spare time.

    It's time for greatness -- not for greed. It's a time for idealism -- not ideology. It is a time not just for compassionate words, but compassionate action.

    A lot of people are waiting for Martin Luther King or Mahatma Gandhi to come back -- but they are gone. We are it. It is up to us. It is up to you.

    An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity.

    Everybody can be great... because anybody can serve. You don't have to have a college degree to serve. You don't have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.

    The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.

    Religion is to do right. It is to love, it is to serve, it is to think, it is to be humble.

    It is one of the most beautiful compensations of life, that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself.

    Kings and cabbages go back to compost, but good deeds stay green forever.

    There is as much greatness of mind in acknowledging a good turn, as in doing it.

    Too old to plant trees for my own gratification, I shall do it for my posterity.

    Genuine politics -- even politics worthy of the name -- the only politics I am willing to devote myself to -- is simply a matter of serving those around us: serving the community and serving those who will come after us. Its deepest roots are moral because it is a responsibility expressed through action, to and for the whole.

    There is no greater calling than to serve your fellow men. There is no greater contribution than to help the weak. There is no greater satisfaction than to have done it well.

    Never forget that the purpose for which a man lives is the improvement of the man himself, so that he may go out of this world having, in his great sphere or his small one, done some little good for his fellow creatures and labored a little to diminish the sin and sorrow that are in the world.

    Six essential qualities that are the key to success: Sincerity, personal integrity, humility, courtesy, wisdom, charity.

    If you will think about what you ought to do for other people, your character will take care of itself. Character is a by-product, and any man who devotes himself to its cultivation in his own case will become a selfish prig.

  17. I believe in God... just in case. It's like there's some list somewhere and you don't want to be on it. I don't want to say THERE'S NO GOD! and then die and say, Oh, Hi... Is there some kind of community service I can do?” Mark Maron quotes

  18. The ability to think straight, some knowledge of the past, some vision of the future, some urge to fit that service into the well-being of the community - these are the most vital things that education must try to produce” Virginia Gildersleeve quotes

  19. "This, then, is held to be the duty of the man of wealth: First, to set an example of modest, unostentatious living, shunning display or extravagance; to provide moderately for the legitimate wants of those dependent upon him; and, after doing so, to consider all surplus revenues which come to him simply as trust funds, which he is called upon to administer, and strictly bound as a matter of duty to administer in the manner which, in his judgment, is best calculated to produce the most beneficial results for the community /the man of wealth thus becoming the mere trustee and agent for his poorer brethren, bringing to their service his superior wisdom, experience and ability to administer, doing for them better than they would or could do for themselves.” Andrew Carnegie quotes (Scottish born American Industrialist and Philanthropist. 1835-1919)

  20. "With a genuine keenness or readiness to serve others, one can attain happiness in any group or community, and the very eagerness to serve others will endow you with the power and skill necessary for the required service.Nowadays, we tend to regard it as derogatory to serve, but there is great worth in service.” Sri Sathya Sai Baba quotes

  21. Sathya Sai Baba quotes
    "With a genuine keenness or readiness to serve others, one can attain happiness in any group or community, and the very eagerness to serve others will endow you with the power and skill necessary for the required service.Nowadays, we tend to regard it as derogatory to serve, but there is great worth in service.”
    "The cure that Baba has given us for this malady, is service. Service slowly and steadily broadens one's heart, bringing with it an unexpected feeling of happiness, and it begins to transform the community around us as well.”
    "Service without ideal of self . . . trains you to transcend all the artificial distinctions imposed by history and geography, and to realize that the human community is one and indivisible.”

  22. George Bernard Shaw quotes
    "I am of the opinion that my life belongs to the whole community and as long as I live, it is my privilege to do for it whatever I can. I want to be thoroughly used up when I die, for the harder I work the more I live.”

  23. Albert Einstein quotes
    "Never regard study as a duty, but as the enviable opportunity to learn to know the liberating influence of beauty in the realm of the spirit for your own personal joy and to the profit of the community to which your later work belongs.”

  24. Millard Fuller quotes
    "For a community to be whole and healthy, it must be based on people's love and concern for each other.”

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